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IamtheCODE partners with to ‘decode’ the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals in Uganda at Hive Colab

Share this post: in collaboration with IamtheCODE is seeking to recruit top developers (including females) through a Hackathon addressing the sustainable development goals in Uganda in partnership with IamtheCODE UK.  From 22nd to 25th of November at the Hive Colab, developers will bask in coding and a meetup, drinks and a little more coding to hack on

The brightest talents in the back-end, front-end, full-stack, and product are needed to put their heads together and hack on the API. The aim is to create multi-functional teams, working together as an actual product team. Technology enthusiasts, entrepreneurs, and Start-up founders are also welcome to join as attendees

The challenge will be to use your programming/designing skills, along with your creative thinking, to develop a process to ‘decode’ the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (#SDGs), in this instance (Sustainable Tourism)- It’s up to you what technology stack and device you choose – mobile, web, plugins, wearables, apps, it’s all fair game.

Because some of the best innovation comes from integrating multiple services to create something new, radical and creative that solves a problem for travelers, programmers are called upon not to limit themselves to only the API provided but also explore others. Think about how to transport, activities, events, social media and other devices can be combined to help improve sustainable tourism. The API gives you access to over one million properties ranging from hotels to homes, castles, and everything in between.

For those interested in the hackathon, please apply by emailing your CV and portfolio here or here They shall then be reviewed and send you a direct invite to participate in the hackathon. Ideally, you have relevant experience and a commercial mindset. If you are selected, you will receive an official invitation from iamtheCODE and with more details.

During the event, if you’re interested in working for both iamtheCODE and in their Amsterdam HQ, their team will be happy to speak to you about the roles they have available – full relocation will be provided if selected for a position.

To take up this position, the eligibility Requirements are; Be a Software Engineer, coder, Front-end designer with Angular JS, React and related front-end tools with a minimum 2 years’ experience.

This awesome article IamtheCODE partners with to ‘decode’ the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals in Uganda at Hive Colab was first posted on GURU8

via: Guru8

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