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UPDF warns Ugandans over Age limit

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UPDF spokesperson

The Uganda Peoples’ Defence Forces (UPDF) High Command and Defence Forces Council has called upon Uganda to carry out responsible communications and interaction.

This take was made during the delivery of the forces take on the controversial the proposed constitutional amendment that seeks to remove presidential age limits.

According to a statement released by the UPDF spokesperson Richard Karemire the general public is advised to exchange views in a free, national and civil manner that does not endanger national security and stability.

He says as the UPDF they are fulfilling its mandate of always supporting the constitution, the substance of the country’s democracy, the rule of law and choices of the people of Uganda.

Karemire says the resolution was made after a meeting held at state house on Wednesday and Thursday at state house Entebbe chaired by the commander in chief of the UPDF Gen. Yoweri Museveni.


Source: TheInsider

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